Sussex Lund 2021 grants programme now open
Community groups, trusts, charities, town and parish councils, schools and individuals who own or manage land in or around the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) can now submit new applications for funding from the Sussex Lund grants programme.
Following a year that has highlighted the huge importance of our connection with the beautiful landscape on our doorstep – and our responsibility to look after it – the scheme is offering grants of between £500 and £10,000 for practical projects that improve habitats, wildlife and natural beauty.
Sussex Lund is a collaboration between the High Weald AONB Partnership and Lund Trust, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. Since it was launched in 2016, the annual scheme has awarded over £750,000 to more than 160 projects, including:
Restoring hazel coppice for dormice and creating glades and rides in woodland
- Replacing and installing new barn owl nesting boxes across a 10km stretch of farmland
- Planting fruit trees and managing orchards in a nature-friendly way
- Creating wildflower-rich grassland to boost the number and diversity of pollinators
- Restoring and creating ponds and other wetland habitats
- Creating new woodland to provide habitat for a farm’s breeding nightingale population.
High Weald co-director, Jason Lavender, said: “We’re seeing more and more people keen to manage land within the High Weald for nature and scenic beauty, which is fantastic. However, the funding needed for some projects means they can be out of reach, particularly after a tough year. We are delighted to be launching Sussex Lund in 2021 as a wonderful way of helping community groups, land managers and others across the area to recover nature.”
Those thinking of applying to Sussex Lund must first discuss their project idea with the High Weald AONB team to ensure it meets all the application criteria – if you haven’t already made contact, please call Christine Meadows on 01424 723009 for an informal chat (you may need to leave a voicemail due to current remote working arrangements). Alternatively, email with information about your proposed project.
READY TO APPLY? Visit our Sussex Lund page to download application forms, guidance on how to apply and inspiration from previous projects. The deadline for applications for this round of funding is Monday 8 March 2021. Images
1) Hazel Dormouse discovered during a habitat survey for a Sussex Lund project in Cuckfield.
2) Habitat restoration on the River Rother, reducing the adverse affects of sedimentation and improving natural flood management.
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Lund Trust
Managing your land in the High Weald