Training and events for land managers

We run a range of events to help people build business resilience and look after the High Weald’s environment, as well helping other organisations promote their events.

Most events are free, and most are tailored to farmers and other land managers.

Below are the events being run across the area during Autumn/Winter 2024/25. We have arranged them by theme; you can scroll down the page to view all, or use the links to jump to a particular section.

The list is not exhaustive, and additional events will be added as they become available, so please keep checking this page for updates. If there is a topic not on this list that you think would be of interest please contact us and we will see what we can organise.

Farm for the Future events

These sessions will help you consider your business resilience, explore environmental management options and get to grips with grants. You can also pick the brains of the High Weald team, other specialists and – more importantly – other farmers!

Deer Management events

Deer impact is a serious issue for farmers, foresters and horticultural businesses. These sessions encourage more and better deer management and aim to foster collaborative approaches.

Grazing and soil health

These farm-based events provide an opportunity to explore practical approaches that can benefit the farm business and environment.

Land Management events

These events are organised to learn new techniques and share best practise in managing different habitats on your land.

Public engagement and visitor management

As a heavily populated area with an extensive rights of way network, responsible visitor behaviour is critical in the High Weald.

These events are an opportunity to share experiences and build expertise in engaging the public.

Past events

These events have already been delivered this year. If there is a particular event you are interested in, please keep checking back to see if we are running it again. Alternatively, contact us to make a request.

EventDateWho is it for?LocationOrganiser and booking
Funding for Farmers: an introduction (free)
An introductory workshop on grant schemes that may help your
farm business. An ideal starting point to help you navigate through the numerous grants on offer with some High Weald case studies.
Wednesday 23 October, 2024
7.00pm – 9.00pm
Farmers, landowners, farm tenants and land managersThe Roebuck, Forest Row, RH18 5JLHigh Weald Team
Bale Grazing: Building a Stockpile to Extend Winter Grazing on Heavy Clay
A farm walk with beef farmer Penny Franklin at Brightleigh Farm, which has brought back regenerative farming methods to produce meat that is nutritious and ethically raised. See how Penny has extended the time that her cattle are outside over the winter and reduced the time they are in the barn.
Thursday 24 October, 2024
10.30am – 12.30pm
Farmers in the High Weald, Kent Downs or Surrey Hills National LandscapesBrightleigh Farm, Outwood, Surrey RH1 5PYPasture for Life
Gralloching and Carcass Handling Best Practice
This event, run by the British Deer Society, will cover a range of topics for deer stalkers to become more competent in dealing with venison carcasses.
In addition to a gralloching demonstration, other topics covered include pre shot observations, initial external inspections, carcass extraction, transport, lardering and chilling, tagging and traceability.
Sunday 27 October, 2024
Deer stalkers in the High WealdAshdown Forest Centre, Forest Row RH18 5JPHigh Weald Team / BDS
Benefits of Grazing Sheep between the Vines at Silverhand Organic Vineyard
A vineyard walk with shepherd Carrie Worgan for a walk among the vines to see how Romney and Hebridean sheep are being used to graze her vineyard.

We will explore the opportunities and challenges of grazing sheep between the vines during the dormant period and there will also be a chance to learn how cattle and sheep are being used for conservation throughout the estate.
Wednesday 30 October, 2024
10.30am – 12.30pm
Farmers in the High Weald, Kent Downs or Surrey Hills National LandscapesSilverhand Estate, DA13 0XEPasture for Life
How to Host a Farm Walk
Walk and talk with Russ Carrington, previously at the helm of PfL and working with regenerative livestock farmers across the UK and Ireland.Russ also spent 3 years at the Knepp Estate establishing a new regenerative farming business adjacent to their rewilding project.This event will help farmers build the knowledge & skills to independently offer farm tours to local farmers and communities. (5 spaces)
Thursday 31 October, 2024
10.30am – 1.30pm
Farmers in the High Weald, Kent Downs or Surrey Hills National LandscapesGreenoak Farm, Brightling TN32 5HBPasture for Life
How to Host a Farm Walk
Walk and talk with Russ Carrington, previously at the helm of PfL and working with regenerative livestock farmers across the UK and Ireland. Russ also spent 3 years at the Knepp Estate establishing a new regenerative farming business adjacent to their rewilding project. This event will help farmers build the knowledge & skills to independently offer farm tours to local farmers and communities. (5 spaces)
Friday 1 November 2024
10am – 1pm
Farmers in the High Weald, Kent Downs or Surrey Hills National LandscapesRomshed Farm, Sevenoaks TN15 0SBPasture for Life
High Weald nature reserve managers Autumn/Winter networking meeting
A walk and talk with other managers of nature reserves and public greenspaces to share experiences of site management in the High Weald National Landscape and consider opportunities for collaboration. (20 spaces)
Tuesday 26 November, 2024
10.00am – 1.00pm
Nature reserve and other public site managers within the High WealdNymans, nr Haywards Heath RH17 6EBHigh Weald Team
Managing Horses in an Adaptive Grazing System
Join farmers Rupert and Caroline Phillips for a farm walk to learn how they are managing their stud farm on the North Downs, hear about the changes they have seen since moving to adaptive grazing and the role of compost in creating nutritious, resilient pasture.
Thursday 28 November, 2024
10.30am – 1.00pm
Farmers in the High Weald, Kent Downs or Surrey Hills National LandscapesShelvin Farm, Wootton, CT4 6RLPasture for Life
Dead-hedgelaying workshop
Join us for a hands-on experience at Limden Brook Farm in Sussex, to learn about a new hedgerow management technique developed here in the High Weald. See for yourself how dead-hedgelaying prevents browsing by deer and stock, creates instant wildlife habitat and increases hedgerow carbon-capture.
Thursday 28 November 2024
10.45am – 2.00pm
Landowners, contractors, farmers and conservationists in the High WealdLimden Brook Farm, Sheepstreet Lane, Etchingham TN19 7AZBrightling Environment Group, Limden Brook Organic & High Weald Team
Farm Hedgerow Management – why, what, when and how (free)
An informative presentation and walk and talk with Megan Gimber, who is nationally recognised for her expertise in hedges and their management and advises many farm clusters.
Thursday 5 December, 2024
11:30am – 2pm
Farmers, landowners, farm tenants and land managersBigges Farm, Cuckfield, nr Haywards Heath RH17 5HZHigh Weald Team
High Weald Deer Conference
An exciting day with presentations from national experts on a range of topics.
Saturday 1 February, 2025Farmers, Land Managers, Stalkers in the High WealdRobertsbridge Community College, East Sussex TN32 5EAHigh Weald Team