
High Weald AONB Team

01424 723011


If you would like further information about our grant schemes – Farming in Protected Landscapes and Sussex Lund – please visit the web pages and submit an enquiry.

Tobias Jackson, Land Management Project Officer

Mob: 07736 604013

Christine Meadows, Land Management Project Officer

01424 723009 / 07815 096167

Stephanie Mason, Land Management Officer (FiPL / Sussex Lund / Farm for the Future)

Dean Morrison, Project Officer: Sussex Flow (Cuckmere & Combe)

Sandy Williamson, Deer Management Coordinator

Mob: 07736 604043

Emma White, Communications Officer

01424 723017

Samantha Nicholas, Dark Skies Lead & Team Support

01424 723011

Diane Russell, Senior Adviser (Planning & Design)

Rachel Bennington, Education Officer

Useful contacts at other organisations

Conservation and management of the High Weald is a joint responsibility shared between a number of organisations.

The High Weald National Landscape Partnership is an advisory body and does not own or manage any land in the area.

As such, the National Landscape team is unable to help with individual queries such as unlawful tree felling, verge cutting schedules or rights of way – but we can put you in touch with people who can help.

Choose from the list of queries below to find the right organisation or local authority to contact:

District and Borough Councils

Ashford Borough Council – 01233 331111
Contact by email –

Crawley Borough Council – 01293 438512
Contact by email –

Hastings Borough Council – 01424 451090
Contact them online

Horsham District Council – 01403 215187
Contact by email:

Mid Sussex District Council – 01444 477566
Contact by email –

Rother District Council – 01424 787000
Contact them online

Sevenoaks District Council – 01732 227000
Contact by email –

Tandridge District Council – 01883 722000
Contact by email –

Tonbridge and Malling District Council – 01732 844 522
Contact by email –

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council – 01622 602736
Contact by email –

Wealden District Council – 01892 653311
Contact by email –

County Councils

East Sussex County Council – 0345 6080190
Contact them online

West Sussex County Council – 01243 642118
Contact them online

Kent County Council – 03000 41 41 41
Contact by email –

Surrey County Council – 03456 009 009
Contact by email – online

Rother District Council –
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council  –
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council  –
Crawley Borough Council  –
Wealden District Council –
Horsham District Council  –
Sevenoaks District Council  –
Tandridge District Council  –
Hastings Borough Council  –
Ashford Borough Council  –
Mid-Sussex District Council  –


The Forestry Commission is responsible for issuing and monitoring tree felling licences in England. Their website provides a wide range of guidance and you can also report suspected illegal felling:

Getting permission for tree felling

Report suspected illegal felling (you can also check if a licence is already in place)

Highways England manage trunk roads (A21, A23, A27 and the A259 east of Hastings). All other A, B, C and unclassified roads are managed by the local highway authority (our county councils).

Highways England: Report a problem

East Sussex County Council: Grass, weeds, hedge, and tree maintenance

West Sussex County Council: Tree and hedge maintenance

Kent County Council: CC Grass maintenance

Surrey County Council Tell us about a tree, hedge, grass or weed issue

East Sussex County Council: Highways – Trees and hedges

West Sussex County Council: Tree and hedge maintenance

Kent County Council: Hedges

Surrey County Council: Hedges – report a problem

Learn about regulations protecting hedgerows on the GOV.UK website: Government guidance on hedgerows

Rights of Way are the responsibility of County Councils:

East Sussex County Council: Report a problem with a right of way 

West Sussex County Council: Report a problem with a Right of Way 

Kent County Council: Report a problem on a Right of Way

Surrey County Council: Contact us or report a problem on a Right of Way

Telephone the emergency services on 999:

  • If anyone is injured
  • Or there is a danger to others (e.g. ,) a deer(s), are alive or found dead, on the road or is a danger to traffic

Telephone the non-emergency line on 101:

  • If the deer is injured and on the side of the road, not causing a danger to others

The police will deal with any traffic issues and have access to specialist Deer Wardens who will know the best course of action to take if the deer is still alive.

Please contact your local district or borough council to report fly tipping.

As the High Weald AONB Partnership does not own or manage land in the High Weald – and is not an enforcement body – we are unable to investigate or prosecute incidents of fly tipping.