Annual Review 2019/2020 – A year in the High Weald
Our 2019/2020 Annual Review is now available to download, setting out the High Weald AONB Partnership’s many activities and successes over the past financial year – including celebrating the milestone 70th anniversary of the creation of AONBs.
Two of the biggest achievements were the public launch of the High Weald AONB Management Plan 2019-2024 and the development and publication of the award-winning High Weald Housing Design Guide. Both documents provide much-needed policy guidance for our partners and have been widely welcomed.
Other key 2019/20 highlights include:
- Growing the High Weald Walking Festival to incorporate a launch event, 50 walks and over 700 individual walking sessions in its second year
- Giving specialist advice on over 158 development proposals, 3 national and local policy consultations and 19 local policy documents
- Providing site-specific advice to 153 land managers across the AONB
- Enabling 45 landscape restoration projects, including restoring or planting over 10km of hedgerows with the planting of 24,000 trees
- Delivering 24 events helping land managers to build skills in business and environmental management, attracting 257 attendees
- Welcoming 90 guests to our sold-out Farming Futures Conference, looking at regenerative agriculture and soil health
- Running 81 High Weald Hero education events at 25 primary schools, involving 3,141 learning sessions.
Our work to conserve and protect this precious, historic landscape wouldn’t be possible without our valued partners, from central government, local authority partners, private individuals, landowners and farmers to schools, charities, community groups and the general public. As we forge a path through these strange and uncertain times, we look forward to working with you in the coming months to make 2020/2021 an even greater success.
The Annual Review is available to download in PDF format here: pdfHigh Weald AONB Partnership Annual Review 2019/2020 (8.40 MB)
Alternatively, a printed or text-only copy can be supplied on request, email us on: or call us on 01424 723011.